Rabu, 30 Juli 2014


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Among the films potential champions and 2014 Academy Awards can be sayed Philomena included in the list are less well known. Hype of the film is not as strong as the American Hustle, Gravity, and 12 Years a Slave, for example. Does that mean the film is not as good as the other competitors? Or the Oscar jury has made ​​a mistake by not view the maximum potential possessed by this movie?

Philomena is based on the true story of a woman named Philomena Lee. In his youth first Philomena make mistakes. She was very promiscuous and pregnant. The father is ashamed of his behavior sent her to stay with Catholic nuns in Ireland. There Philomena gave birth and had to work for four months to pay off debts stay there. Every day Philomena pray and hope that the child is not adopted by others. Hope lived hope. Sean Ross Abbey where he had left the Catholic church but is in fact also be a place under the guise of adoption. It is common knowledge that many children are 'unwanted' was born there and then adopted. No exception son of Philomena.
Year after year passed. With age Philomena he repeatedly revisits the church where he had left, hoping that he can get news of where his son is now located. Philomena efforts failed because the church - despite trying to help him - declare that they have no documents to help search Philomena. In the midst of despair Philomena, his son met with journalist Martin Sixsmith who just lost his job. Martin initially agreed to search for the child because he wanted to return Philomena calculated by fellow journalists. The trip however these relations between Martin and Philomena and became a life-changing road trip both.Please visit here
I really enjoy the movie Philomena, especially with Philomena own figure. It is said that the film had an Oscar nomination for the performance of Judi Dench pushed remarkable. Not one. Dench here show a very wide range of emotions during their search process. Each describes a variety of feelings in his face buried in them, ranging from hope to be able to see his son, confused about what he should say if he could see him, to wrestle in forgiving the things that have been going on in his life. Philomena figure is remarkable figure and we can learn a lot about the meaning of 'redemption' and 'forgiveness' from him.
Steve Coogan also appear either as Martin Sixsmith where most of the movie he kept pent-up bitterness and anger within him. Chemistry with Judi Dench fit and indirectly illustrates how people deal with the problems in their lives. There are as Philomena who receive and then forgive and let go of the past and there's nothing like Martin who remember, often with pain, failure and guilt so that his life unknowingly fall into self-destructs. How did director Stephen Frears is able to enter the religious elements of both without feeling forced conflict is another plus.
Because of his courage flicked organization Philomena Catholic Church I believe will cause controversy in certain circles. Without trying to take sides I personally know how Catholic organizations sometimes it can be very - very disciplined. On the other hand I regret there are some details that appear here are less accurate and defamation of one of the characters in this film. Of course the real story of change to add value to the dramatization of a film is normal and can not be denied is Philomena into a better film because of it. Even so ahead of the ending of Stephen Frears seems like losing side of neutral and slightly lean attacked one of the parties.

So my opinion is ... apart from that there are few shortcomings I still feel that Philomena a phenomenal movie that needs to be watched by anyone. Not only because it looks incredible Judi Dench, nor just because the music of Alexandre Desplat piercing soul, but because he is a movie that teaches about the importance of seeking a pardon of forgiveness as well. Although he did not win any awards at the Academy Awards event, this is still one of 2013's best movie!

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