Selasa, 29 Juli 2014

Dallas buyer club

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The young generation today may feel that the HIV virus and AIDS is no longer the most frightening disease. Now more people are exposed to and fear of various types of cancer. However, unlike the case with my past was a child. In addition there are two more types of cancer is a deadly disease for people. The first is Hepatitis and the second is AIDS. It was fortunate for the present generation that safe sex using condoms, the use of needles to be replaced, until the discovery of drugs that are more effective for AIDS means much greater life expectancy for people affected by the deadly disease.
Ron woodroof is one of the men who had the deadly disease caused by actions of drugs injected into his body as well as free sex. Imagine how the world seems to fall for her when he heard that his body had been exposed to the deadly disease and he only had one month left to live. It happened in 1986 It happened in the year in which the information about health is not something you can get as easy as opening your computer and typing "" to find out the answer. And getting treatment for AIDS at that time even more difficult because the American food and drug agency: FDA has not legalize any drugs.
The only drug that is still being tested today is AZT and only certain patients are allowed to try it. Ron tried in various ways to get AZT but rejected it because of Ron's doctor considered too severe and the drugs used in the body can not be helpful or not tested. Once again trying to find the info from various sources Ron finally found an alternative to drugs and vitamins across the country: Mexico. Realizing that the situation is improving because the alternative medicines, Ron tries to bring the treatment to the United States even though he had to get an all-out opposition from the FDA agency.
Appointed on the true story of Ron woodroof reason for Dallas Buyers Club was able to touch my heart because I understand all of Ron's position because that is what happened to my mother three years ago when he was diagnosed with a brain tumor disease (mild). At that time the doctors all intersecting opinion on what they should do with my mother. A wide variety of treatments on offer that makes us confused. It's fortunate that we live in the age of the Internet so seek medical journals from abroad and exchange ideas with fellow sufferers no longer sesusah experienced by woodroof Ron in this film. Therefore woodroof frustration conveyed very well by McConaughey can be conveyed to me.
McConaughey is indeed very spectacular here as Ron. It is angry and explosive emotions is a stereotype of the cowboy life in Texas that the majority of rough. And hatred of gay people (at the time of AIDS will be considered only affects gay people only) conveyed properly. McConaughey is said to lose more than 20 pounds for his role here and it all looked from the body to be thin - thin and malnourished. Regardless of Christian Bale in The Machinist and The Fighter I almost never look at another actor this extreme lower body weight. No wonder he became a Frontrunner in the 2014 Oscars.
McConaughey is not the only actor here because fantastic in the film Dallas Buyers Club is also supported by the supporting actors are no less fantastic: Jared Leto as being gay Rayon. I even dare to say that Leto is precisely the figure with the best performances in this film. Being a gay is never easy because until now is still a lot of people hate the sissy is. However, the progress of time makes it easier. Now many actors - artists who acknowledge that they are gay so they are generally more accepted by the wider audience (at least in America, in Indonesia I was gay was still considered disgusting by the religious and secular). However, in 1986 the views against gays are still poor and gays who have AIDS is regarded as the dregs of society. The relationship between Ron and Rayon beginning of hate that turned into a close friendship is something that is touching to behold.
With a slick performance of the two stars is indeed another star rather scattered. Even so as the main artist of this movie Jennifer Garner, wife of Ben Affleck, not bad. Here he became a representation of the figures were sympathetic towards people with AIDS, who know about them and do not judge - but also bound by law and can not do (too) much to help them. Solid performances from the three main stars here are lifted Dallas Buyers Club become a spectacle drama that never feels boring or stands for almost two hours of rotation.
Director Jean-Marc Vallee did take a few liberties in revising their own story in this film. Character Rayon and Dr. Eve Saks, the two main characters besides Ron here is a composite of many characters encountered by Ron in his life. Even so other details such as Ron conflict with the FDA, acceptance of gay people, his willingness to smuggle many drugs are not permitted in the United States in order to help other AIDS patients is accurate. Briefly Dallas Buyers Club is a movie that is filled with positive moral messages. That is not the length of your life that actually means, but what are you doing with your life it.

So my conclusion is ... Dallas Buyers Club is a movie that must be watched slick and anyone who likes the film quality. It is one of the best films of 2013

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