Minggu, 03 Agustus 2014

Cloud Atlas

The latest film from brothers Wachoswki is an adaptation of the novel by David Mitchell. Almost the same with Life of Pi, Cloud Atlas is a very difficult novel to be adapted to the big screen. More remarkable is the film does not have any major Hollywood studios that gave him the funds involved in the project, although this is actually the names of the actors are quite famous, including Oscar-winning actress Halle Berry and Tom Hanks. As a result Cloud Atlas to be one of the most expensive independent film in the world. The story of the underdog is not covered by sweet because Cloud Atlas failed to close the purse in screenings around the world. Is this film is too difficult to understand and more palatable in the form of a written word?

Cloud Atlas is a movie with six different scenarios and the main flow skips across time. Each of these are: the story of a young lawyer Adam Ewing, the story of a music composer Robert Frobisher, Luisa Rey who is a journalist, a publisher of books Timothy Cavendish, a Fabricant Sonmi-451, and the last Zachry who lived on an island that contains primitive savage . This story originally Sixth seen standing on their own but, when considered in further then have a common thread that connects them all.
I do not want to explain too much about the plot of the story in Cloud Atlas because it could be a spoiler. Clearly this movie is something that can be enjoyed in several levels depending on your point of view on life. You can enjoy Cloud Atlas just as the story of the adventures of the six groups of different or more detailed look at as a work that gives a message about karma reincarnation even - if you believe in the concept. Not like some people who said that this movie is hard to follow. I feel that the story is simple Cloud Atlas. Even timeline was clearly spelled out where the event occurs first.
Things that I admire in this film is the production design. Because of tremendous power, Wachoswki brothers should automatically create a movie set from the 18th century up to the future first. Everything has its own distinct aesthetic sense to make all the different era and suck us into a different story. No less great is the production design department with the make-up of this movie. I wonder why the Oscar committee doesn’t like this movie. When I jury then I will award the make-up department for their performance in this film is super once. Watch and see for yourself; I could not believe that many of the figures in this movie I did not know the artist! One more thing that I like in this movie is how the music of this film. Piano dominant in many piece feels ... meditative.

Although this film the plot is easy to follow I do not like the how Wachoswki brothers organize the movement in the mid-film scene. The scene in the middle of moving too quickly from one story to another story - some even only takes 10 to 30 seconds before immediately jumping back to the scene in another story. Some say that it feels like the show karma in this film, but to me this feels leaps confusing and difficult for me to focus on one story. Fortunate to transition from scene to scene at the end of the story back again pacing was arranged.

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